Isolation and Structural Characterization of Quercetin 3-O-Rhamnoside and Essential oil Estimation from Leaves of Iraqi Cupressus sempervirens L (Conference Paper )#


  • Amani Amer Tawfeeq PHD STUDENT,College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad
  • Shatha H Ali



Cupressus, Conifers, al Sarw, Mass, Pinene, Quercitrin, Spectroscopy


     Cupressus sempervirens L., Cupressaceae, that is known as evergreen cypress, Mediterranean cypress and in Arabic called “al -Sarw. It is an evergreen, medium sized, longevity, and wide distributed over all the world. The plant represents an important member of conifer plants which characterized with aromatic leaves and cones. Cupressus sempervirens have been ethnobotanical uses as an antiseptic, relief of cough, astringent, antispasmodic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory. Aims of this work are phytochemical analysis, isolation and structural identification of Quercitroside (quercitrin) and essential oil in Iraqi C. sempervirens. Isolation of quercitrin was performed by preparative HPLC from n-butanol fraction that prepared and extracted from Cupressus sempervirens leaves using ultrasound probe extraction, the structural identification of isolated quercitrin done by FT-IR characterized by bands at varies of frequency ranges. Moreover, LCMSMS; molecular ion at 448 m/z and base peak m/z 301. Furthermore, isolation of essential oil using hydro-distillation and estimated by GC-MS, the results show a good essential oil yield 0.9% with an interesting concentration of alpha-pinene 44%, carene10%, cedrol 4.86%, and β- myrcene 3.67%. A new Quercetin-glycoside in Cupressus Semperviren species in addition, 0.9% essential oil yield considered important phytochemicals with good concentration in Iraqi cypress plant.

How to Cite

Tawfeeq AA, Shatha H Ali. Isolation and Structural Characterization of Quercetin 3-O-Rhamnoside and Essential oil Estimation from Leaves of Iraqi Cupressus sempervirens L (Conference Paper )#. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Internet]. 2023 Feb. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];31(Suppl.):121-30. Available from:

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