Effectiveness of Myoinositol alone or in Companion with Metformin in Improving Hormonal, Metabolic, and Clinical Features of PCOS Women


  • Zainab Abdulhameed Alnisani Department of Clinical Pharmacy ,Pharmacy College, Al - Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Manal Khalid Abdulrida Department of Clinical Pharmacy ,Pharmacy College, Al - Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq




Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) referring to a syndrome that is recognized as a life-course disease and has both metabolic and reproductive signs; main pathophysiological cause includes insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism, and oxidative stress state. The study aimed to assess the impact of combining Myoinositol and Metformin, the main insulin-sensitizing drugs, on improving clinical, metabolic, and hormonal parameters in females with PCOS. A clinical trial that was prospective, randomized, and comparative on 54 patients (aged 18-40 y) are divided into three groups: group1 patients allocated to receive Myo-inositol(4g), group2 patients assigned to receive Metformin(1g) and group3 patients assigned to receive Myo-inositol(4g) + Metformin(1g) all for three months. Baseline and post-intervention fasting blood samples were collected to evaluate hormonal, metabolic parameters, and oxidative stress biomarkers.  Metformin and Myoinositol together lead to a significant drop free testosterone (P = 0.002), LH (P 0.003), LH to FSH ratio(P=0.004), FSI (P 0.012), the HOMA IR (p 0.019), hirsutism score (p=<0.001) and acne score (p= 0.003), besides substantial increase in GPX (P 0.02). Meanwhile, Myoinositol supplement causes a substantial drop in free testosterone (p=0.013), FSI (P 0.02), and HOMA – IR (P value=0.025) also a substantial rise in GPX (P=0.005).  Combining Myoinositol with metformin results in improving clinical, metabolic, hormonal parameters, as well as oxidative indicators for PCOS females.




Author Biography

  • Manal Khalid Abdulrida, Department of Clinical Pharmacy ,Pharmacy College, Al - Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq



How to Cite

Alnisani ZA, Manal Khalid Abdulrida. Effectiveness of Myoinositol alone or in Companion with Metformin in Improving Hormonal, Metabolic, and Clinical Features of PCOS Women. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];32(Suppl.):61-73. Available from: https://bijps.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/bijps/article/view/2439

Publication Dates


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