A Comparative Biochemical Study of Proteins Profile in Iraqi Children and Adolescent with ?-Thalassemia


  • Ali M. Malik
  • Emad M. Malik
  • Nawal MJ Al-Shammaa
  • Zeinab M. Al-Rubaei




The aim of the present research is to study different protein fractions in sera of children and adolescent with  β –thalassemia major and minor and to compare the results with that of healthy control.One hundred fifty children and adolescents were enrolled in this study,including 50 patients with β- thalassemia major , 50 patients with  β- thalassemia minor as pathological control group and another apparently 50 healthy individuals as a control group. The age of all studied  groups ranged from (4-18)years.Total protein, albumin and immunoglobulins were estimated in sera of all subjects.  A Significant  decrease  was  found  in  the  total  protein and  albumin  levels  in sera  of both major and minor thalassemic patients  compared to normal groups. A Significant  increase  in  immunoglobulin  levels  (IgG, IgM and IgA) was found in the sera of major and minor   Î²-thalassemia patients compared to control.Different protein parts in sera of all subjects were detected  using cellulose acetate electrophoresis.The results revealed   significant  reduction in  β- globulin fractions  in    β- thalassemia major patients compared  to the normal  and pathological control groups. Significant elevations in γ- globulins fractions were observed in both major β- thalassemia and minor β- thalassemia  as compared to normal control group. As a Conclusion the alteration in some protein parts occurred which is more obvious in major thalassemia patients compared to the normal and pathological control groups.

Key words: Protein Parts , Elecrtrophoresis , β-Thalassemia

How to Cite

M. Malik A, M. Malik E, MJ Al-Shammaa N, M. Al-Rubaei Z. A Comparative Biochemical Study of Proteins Profile in Iraqi Children and Adolescent with ?-Thalassemia. Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];19(2):19-23. Available from: https://bijps.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/bijps/article/view/501

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