The Antibacterial Activity of Angelica glauca in form of Silver Nanoparticles
Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Angelica glauca, Methanolic extract, Silver nanoparticles.Abstract
Angelica glauca have been used traditionally as an over the counter herbal preparation, nowadays nanotechnology formulate metal nanoparticles from Angelica glauca in green synthesis method which increase Angelica glauca pharmacology and pharmaceutical application. The aims of present work were to synthesis Angelica glauca silver nanoparticles from its methanolic extract, phytochemicals detection, investigation the morphology and chemical compound characteristic present in Angelica glauca AgNPs by spectroscopic method of FT-IR, and scan electron microscope, and finally in vitro evaluation the antibacterial activity of Angelica glauca in forms of methanolic extract and silver nanoparticles. Extraction by soxhlet was the method used in preparation Angelica glauca methanolic extract, to be use in preparation Angelica glauca silver nanoparticles, 5 phytochemicals were detected, in addition to detection Angelica glauca AgNPs characteristic of active chemical compound and nanoparticles morphology by FT-IR and SEM, in vitro assessment antibacterial activity against Four types of control bacteria. Methanolic extract weight yielded from 250 g of Angelica glauca was 13.3g, in addition to phytochemical detection test was positive for alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids and coumarins. However, detection of terpenoids, carbohydrate, saponine, quinine, and proteins showed negative result, FT-IR spectroscopy, which showed a sharp band with different wave length, indicating the presence of multi- functional group as aliphatic –CH3, olefinic –C=C-, and carbonyl C=O, particle size detected by SEM )mean ±SD) was 70.9nm±13.60. The antibacterial activity of Angelica glauca AgNPs was higher than methanolic extract. The two formula of Angelica glauca exhibit a varying degree of antibacterial activity, Angelica glauca contain many bioactive phytochemical compounds when reduced to nanoparticles which can be used in curing health related problems and in many pharmaceutical application across the globe.
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