Conference Manuscript

The process for publishing conference articles in the Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

* Conference research is received exclusively in the field of pharmacy

When the sponsor of a scientific conference willing to publish their research manuscript in our Journal, it should follow two major steps with important attention that our journal could accept research articles from scientific conferences exclusively in Pharmacy specialty and where the sponsor is an academic institution. The first step includes sending an official email to the editor-in-chief describing their desire to publish their conference research articles in our journal with full information about the conference (sponsor institution, title, specialty, time, etc). The request should be send at least 4 months before the conference date. In case there is a general acceptance notified by official email, it should follow the second step process illustrated below:

1- The manuscript should be first send to the scientific committee of the conference

2- After getting acceptance in the conference, the researcher should send his/her manuscript electronically and in Word format directly to the journal’s website accompanied by certificate of the conference acceptance

3- The editorial manager will carry out the overall scientific assessment and check out plagiarism

4- The editorial manager sends the manuscript to the editor-in-chief and members of editorial board and according to their specialization

5- The editor-in-chief and editorial board members submit their decision either to reject the manuscript (the researcher will be notified within 2 weeks) or otherwise submit the manuscript to three reviewers

6- The Editor-in-Chief and editorial board members will be notified about the reviewer’s opinions. The final decision will be made not less than two months

7- The accepted manuscript for publication will be published in the journal’s issues according to the chronology of acceptance. Knowing that our journal issued biannually, and each issue has a limited number of published articles.

Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS)  invites author's that will participate in  Conference to upload their submissions by clicking on Make New Submission